Exciting experiments!

Wow, what an exciting week Class 1 are having! We have been looking at the effects of coloured water to white flowers. Today we made our 2nd observation and we noticed that the centre of the flowers are beginning to turn red, blue and green. Thanks Mum’s, Dad’s and Grandparents for your help during Thumbs Up Thursday!! We can’t wait to see what has happened tomorrow! Watch this space…

Fire Station Visit

On ‘Trekking Tuesday’ this week, we went  to the Fire Station. We had so much fun! The firemen told us all about what they do and they even let us sit in the fire engine. We looked at all of the equipment and tried some on. Mrs Bennett even dressed up as a firefighter 🚒.


Year Four enterprise – Wriggly Worms

Today for Class 4’s enterprise it was Class 5’s chance to come and take part in an experiment. The experiment was to see if they could make the worms wriggle and they succeeded.

First they put the worms into bicarbonate of soda and water for 30 minutes.

Next they got a glass half full of vinegar and placed the worms inside.

The mixture started to fizz and sure enough the worms began wriggling.

This was so much fun and we found out that mixing bicarbonate of soda with acidic vinegar creates bubbles of carbon dioxide gas. As the soda solution has soaked into the gummy worm, tiny bubbles form on its surface when you drop it into vinegar. The bubbles grow big enough to lift the worm.

Blackout curtains

Year 4 have been experimenting curtains today.

The children were given a scenario;

‘In the summer the sun rises before I need to get up. The light from the window wakes me up and I can’t get back to sleep. I want to buy some new curtains to block out the sunlight, can you help me to decide which fabric will be best?’

The children used the bear cave to explore three different fabrics. They had a white fabric, a purple thicker fabric and a black fabric that was even thicker. They found out some new tricky words, transparent, translucent and opaque and the meaning of them

– Transparent materials let light travel through them in straight lines.

– Translucent materials let some light through, but they scatter light in all different directions.

– Opaque materials do no let any light travel through them.

The children used torches to shine through the different materials and found out that the black material was the most suitable as it didn’t let any light through.

The children wrote these down and then made posters to advertise the blackout curtains based on the experiment. The children had great fun doing this as they included their scientific facts within the posters.


It is safe to safe we are enjoying science week.

Foaming fizzy potion

Today it was Year 3’s turn to come for the science experiment enterprise with year 4. A few children turned up and had a lovely time exploring what happens when you mix together bicarbonate of soda, washing up liquid and lemon juice.

The bicarbonate of soda, when mixed with lemon juice, is forming carbon dioxide gas. As this fizzes up in the washing up liquid, it creates lots of soapy bubbles – wow! Is science magic?



Science Week in Reception

This week is Science week in our school. The Reception children have been finding out about the difference between light and dark.

We started our learning with a story about a Little Bear who couldn’t sleep because he was scared of the dark.

The children then carried out an investigation to find out which light was the best to give to Little Bear in his cave. They used different types of lights to shine into the Bear Cave and observed which light would allow them to see the bear inside the best.

The children found out that the best light for Little Bear was the LED torch as it was the brightest light.

The second experiment of the afternoon was with Mr Rowe looking at how the air pushes balloons. We thought that the more air that was blown into the balloon would affect how far the balloon would travel.

 As you can see by Aly’s face she was rather amazed!  Read More

Science week in Class 4 so far

Science week has been very exciting so far in Class Four! This afternoon we completed two experiments, the one shown here is how to make lava lamps.

First we had to put water into a plastic bottle, next we added food colouring and vegetable oil. When we had done this we sprinkled salt into the bottle and saw the salt sink to the bottom and the bubbles rise up like a lava lamp. We did lots of research about why this happened and has great fun making them.

Keep looking on the blog this week to see what we get up to next.

Year 3 visit to Tattenhall

On Tuesday the 27th of February year 3 packed an overnight back and headed to the Tattenhall residential centre. On the first day we completed some fantastic art projects.

After our tea, we settled down to watch ,inside out with some hot chocolate and popcorn.


After a good nights sleep we had breakfast, stripped our beds and went to the hall for dance and drama. We made up our own routines and learnt one altogether to create one long piece.

We had such a good time, we can’t wait for our next residential trip.


World Book Day Follow On Welly Walk

Today Reception followed up their World Book Day celebration with a Wednesday Welly Walk to WHSmith’s to spend their World Book Day book token.

Before we set off we used the Internet to look at the different books we could choose from.

Off we went walking down into town.

We looked carfully for the WHSmith shop, using our letter recognition skills to help us.

We all went into WHSmith to choose our World Book Day book.