
Today we had a planetarium in and the children were able to visit the dome and find out even more information about space. The children took a look at the planets, the solar system, the Milky Way and some astronauts who had visited space. The children had time to ask questions, some of these were amazing and found out even more information.
When the children got back to the classroom they wrote down any unanswered questions and then they had time to find out the answers.
Following on from this they did space themed art, we used gold and silver paint to create a star effect in the background and then used watercolours to recreate the colours of the p,abets. The children then used some spray oil based inks to complete the space effect. These are currently drying but we can’t wait to show you the finished product.
Another great day – we love science week.

Science Week in Year 1

Today Year 1 looked at what the word ‘Growing’ means. We decided that it meant when something gets bigger. We then looked at how worms help our plants and vegetables to grow. The children learnt that the worms produce worm castings which help to feed the plants. We then looked at the three different types of worm: Earth workers, Deep Burrowers and Surface Dwellers.

The children went to explore the allotment area to find the different types of worms. We were very successful.

Crash Landing!

Yesterday the children came into school to find that something very exciting had happened over the weekend!

Aliens had crash landed in the quad.

The children worked through a variety of activities to correctly order a letter the aliens had sent us, drawing what the aliens looked like and a presentation to convince the aliens to stay on our planet. We used our problem solving, creativity, speaking, listening, staying positive, teamwork and leadership skills to help us with the problems.


The theme for Science week is ‘growth’ so to link in with this we have been investigating growth and what variables affect growth.
To do this, we are have put spring onions into 30ml of water and over the next 11 days we will be measuring them to see how much they have grown. They have all been measured at 4.5cm and their roots are all 1.5cm. We have popped them in the quad in the sunshine (let’s hope the weather stays on our side).
Each day we have to check the temperature outside. We will keep you informed of the growth we have.

Crash landing

On Monday morning, we came into school to find out that something unusual had happened over the weekend. Aliens had crash landed in the quad.

We worked through a range of activities and challenges to understand what the aliens were saying, what they liked and disliked and finally helped them to feel safe on planet Earth. We had to use our essential skills in order to succeed. The skills are; listening, speaking, problem solving, creativity, staying positive, aiming high, leadership and teamwork.

A Crash Landing!

Today we started Science week with a Crash Landing!

The children in used all of their skills to work out what had happened. They decided it was an alien spaceship. The children have had lots of fun using their speaking and listening skills, teamwork, aiming high and staying positive skills in a range of continuous provision learning activities.

Football tournament

Last night, some of the year 3 and 4 children took part in a football competition at Congleton High School. The team performed amazingly well and overall came 4th place, some of the games had really high scores and the team spirit matched their football skills.

Well done boys!

Year 3 Travel into Space

Today the children were given a unique experience to travel into space.
Using virtual reality headsets we were able to blast off from planet Earth and explore the planets in our solar system. The children thoroughly enjoyed this experience, asked lots of questions, found out interesting facts, and wanted to find out more about our planets.