Goodbye Mrs Radcliffe

Today was a sad day at Marlfields. After many years of teaching at Marlfields, our amazing Mrs Radcliffe has taught her final lessons at the school. There were a number of tears but a larger amount of thank yous to our wonderful teacher who will be greatly missed.

Thank you for all your help, teachings and guidance, you will be always missed here at Marlfields.

Year 6- Computing

This afternoon, Year 6 were finishing their coding unit and used Python to create some incredible pieces of work! We looked at various pieces of Islamic art and identified the features that we could recreate on the laptops using Python coding.
Brilliant work Year 6!

Special visitor

This afternoon, Year 6 were treated to a special visitor. One of the buzzards we frequently see flying above the trees at school, landed on the roof and sat for quite a while. It was surprising at how large it was and it’s wing span was impressive as it flew away.

What a knight!

On Wednesday, the Year 6 children put on an amazing performance of “What a knight!” There was singing, dancing and corny jokes galore! The children did themselves proud and the audience rewarded them with rapturous applause!