Shared Writing

Yesterday, we all worked together to write instructions to make our very own Hoctopize from our current focus text ‘Toys in Space’.


We thought carefully about what we needed and wrote the items in a list. The, we ordered the steps involved in making an alien. Each child contributed to the written piece and helped each other edit the piece… great work Year One!


Wear it Wild Friday

We had some fantastic costumes today! This morning we did our daily ‘wake up, shake up’ to ‘Bear Necessities’. We also talked about the different endangered species we were dressed as and used a map to work out where in the world they were predominantly found.

Have a lovely half term!

The Start of Year One…

Sorry it has taken a while, but here they are! Our first few weeks in Year 1…

There are still some parent consent forms that I am missing, so if you haven’t filled one in yet please call into the office or ask me for a new form and then I will make sure that there are pictures of your child on here too.



Saving TomCat!

TomCat’s in trouble!!! He can’t swim! The RNLI bears need our help to save him as their boats are all broken! We need to find materials that make the best boats and float!

We discovered that Plastic makes the best boat! Metal sank and paper floats, but it was a bit rubbish! TomCat was quickly saved and we’re relieved!

African Masks!

Today in Class 1b, we have been making our very own African masks! We have had to paper maché our milk bottles, paint them black then add our very own African patterns that we have learnt this term. We hope you enjoy them!

Whose poo is it?

Class 1A has had an amazing day, investigating which poo belongs to which African animal! We made sure we had the essentials including safety goggles, gloves and stick to search through the poo for clues. We were able classify the poos into carnivore poo, herbivore poo and omnivore poo just by looking at its contents. We found seeds and grass in one, zebra fur in another and both in the final one. Can you guess which African animals produced them? 

African Drumming!

This week in Year One, we have been learning all about African music and following a patterned beat. The children loved having the African drums (Djembes) out in the classroom. They have learnt the different types of African instruments whilst learning the different sounds they could make on the drums. We apologise for all the noise!

Fun at Lego Land!

What a great day we all had at LegoLand today! From shooting Lego monsters to driving our own Lego police cars, today will be a day we will talk about for a long time! Thank you to our parent helpers, we wwcouldn’t have gone without you! DfvhggghhhhDfff

Exciting experiments!

Wow, what an exciting week Class 1 are having! We have been looking at the effects of coloured water to white flowers. Today we made our 2nd observation and we noticed that the centre of the flowers are beginning to turn red, blue and green. Thanks Mum’s, Dad’s and Grandparents for your help during Thumbs Up Thursday!! We can’t wait to see what has happened tomorrow! Watch this space…

Our Class Assembly!

On Monday the children in Year 1 were allowed to share what we have done this term with all our friends in school as well as everyone who came to watch! We had so much fun and are so happy you all enjoyed it. It meant a lot to the children that you were all able to come and watch them.

Elf Run and Christmas Lunch!

Yesterday saw our Year One’s take part in their Christmas lunch. The children were given the chance to eat their lunch and celebrate Christmas with Mrs Abraham and Mr Capewell, we all had a great time!

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We also took part in our Elf Run to raise money for the East Cheshire Hospice. Thanks to everyone’s’ contributions, we were able to raise enough money to beat our target. All of us in Year One and at Marlfields School thank you for your support for this great hospice, and we all wish you a very happy Christmas!
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