The Rotary 2050 Art Competition

This year the children in Marlfields have worked very hard on their paintings following the theme 2050. Two representatives from the Rotary club came in to award the children for their fantastic efforts and every child who participated was awarded with a certificate. Three pieces were chosen and were given a very exciting art prize. Thank you Rotary club for another fantastic competition and we look forward to seeing what next years will bring!

Science in Year 1

Yesterday, the children observed and learnt all about different types of animals and how we classify them. The children learnt all about mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. We went on a walk around the school grounds to see what animals we could spot. We then came back to class and put them in the correct category. We saw so many different types of animals!

Stable Structures

Today, Year 1 worked as a team to create their own stable structures following a brief. The structures needed to have a door, a ramp, and they needed to be able to hold a toy car. The children worked extremely hard to create their toy garages using a variety of different skills.

Growing Cress!

This week Year 1 have learnt about what a plant needs to grow. We enjoyed the sunshine and planted our own cress seeds. We have created diary’s so that we can observe our plants over time. Watch this space to see how tall they grow!

World Religions; The Last Supper and the story of Easter.

This week in our world religion lesson we looked at ‘The last supper’ and how Christians celebrate the holy communion by eating bread to represent the body of Jesus and wine (juice) to represent Jesus’ blood. We also looked at Good Friday and the Easter story in class. This was then followed up with an assembly to help the children understand that Jesus forgave everybody for his sins and died with them in order to give everyone a ‘clean slate’ – this was demonstrated in the assembly by the speaker getting a pie in the face for others mistakes.
We then looked at the rebirth of Jesus and how he resurrected on Easter Sunday and what the Easter egg represents (new life).
Below are some pictures from this weeks lessons and assembly.

World Book Day!

Today was world book day; where we dressed up as a character from one of our favorite books in order to celebrate our love for books and reading! We loved seeing all of the wonderful costumes our Year One class decided to come in as; here are a few from today…

Retelling the story ‘dinosaurs and all that rubbish’ through dance.

Today, Year One attended a workshop hosted by WestEnd performer, Autumn, who showed the children how we can tell stories using our body. The children were able to use movement, travel and facial expressions to retell the book previously looked at in class – ‘Dinosaurs and all that rubbish’. The children were able to sequence the story and retell it through dance, as seen in the pictures.

The children thoroughly enjoyed being able to tell a story in this way and having the opportunity to impersonate different characters and events from the book. The children also had opportunity at the end of the workshop to reflect and ask questions to Autumn.

Year 5 and 6 Football

Last night the Year 5 and 6 boys battled it out against other Congleton schools. The first match was St Mary’s Vs Marlfields. It was a strong start with a score scored from Marfields but from nowhere two goals were scored against us. The next match was against Buglawton and with our team working together and scoring some excellent goals we won 2:0. Our final match was against Quinta and although the boys worked extremely hard Quinta won 3:1. Well done boys you did us all proud!