This week in Year 4 we have been investigating with different colours. The children had a great time and the finished wheels looked amazing.
Monthly Archives: November 2021
Foundation Stage in PE
Today has been our PE session with the Ministry of Sport coaches. The focus of our lesson was rolling. The children learnt about how they could roll in different ways using their bodies.
Year 6 – Bar Modelling
Year 6 have been understanding the importance of bar models in helping to visualize questions in our maths lessons. Representing the questions in the form of a bar model helps to see what data is missing and find what the question is asking us to complete. Each day the children have answered questions for Barvember representing the questions in bar models then using this to help them work out the answers.
Foundation Stage – Anti Bullying Week
The children started the week by coming into school wearing odd socks. The children all made their very own odd sock to make a washing line of odd socks to represent that we are all different. The children enjoyed the story of Elmer to talk about how everyone is different.
Throughout the week the children have been trying very hard to be kind towards each other. We used Andy’s Odd Sock Song – One Kind Word as a reminder. Click the link below to hear the song:
The children then all came into school on Friday in clothes which makes them feel happy. All the children (and adults) looked great!
Night Time Animals
Foundation Stage have been learning about which animals come out at night – nocturnal animals. The children have used non fiction books to find out about Owls, Badgers and Foxes and then made the different animals.
Then in our Forest Friday session the children went to look for animal homes. They found a bird box where an owl might live and they found a fox hole and badgers hole.
Kindness Award
As part of our Anti-Bullying week, each class was asked to nominate someone to be awarded The ‘Marlfields Kindness Award’ . This afternoon we held an assembly on Zoom so that the whole school could come together to celebrate the winners.
It was heart warming to hear some of the reasons why the children had nominated their classmates. Including others, being a good listener, helping and being considerate were just a few of the reasons why they thought their friends should be awarded.
Here are our wonderful winners:
3D shape exploration in Foundation Stage 2!
This week our maths learning focus has been 3D shapes. The children began the week making models using different 3D shaped building blocks.
The children then investigated what type of objects would roll and which would slide. The children found out that if an object is round it will roll and if it is flat it will slide.
Later in the week the children looked at 3D shapes and used their previous knowledge about rolling and sliding to work out which shapes would roll and which would stack.
A Week of Kindness in Year 1!
To start anti-bullying week on Monday the children and staff came into school wearing odd socks to represent everyone being unique!
To finish the week the children have come into school wearing something that makes them smile.
One kind word
Our theme this week for anti-buillying week has been ‘One kind word’. All week the children have thought about what kindness means and how we can all be kind in different ways.
We have done a kindness award too in each class. The children in Class 4 voted and the winner by 10 votes was Scarlett. Me and Mrs Milroy are not surprised as she always comes into school with a smile on her face, trying her best and making sure that all of her friends are happy. We love having you in our class Scarlett.
Fantastic Friday
To celebrate the end of anti-bullying week the children have come into school wearing something to make them smile.
Let’s go fly a kite…
In Science we have started looking at gases. We talked about how we can’t see all gases and we wondered how we could investigate what we can use them for.
We decided to take a kite onto the field to see if the air outside would help it to fly, we noticed that there is gaps at the top of the kite that let the air in and this then helps them to fly. We also noticed that the faster we ran the higher the kite went and the longer the kite stayed up. We then had some fun with the parachute, we couldn’t see the air but we knew that the air was underneath the parachute when we had lifted it because the shape changed into a dome.
Odd socks day
To launch anti-bullying week on Monday the children and staff came into school wearing odd socks, this is to show that we are all unique. Don’t we look great?
Clonter Opera Virtual Theater Workshop
Today Year 3 were lucky enough to take part in a fantastic workshop by Clonter Opera.
In the morning, we worked with Jess, a professional Costume designer. We were tasked with designing a costume for some well known opera and Musical Theater characters. We had a great time and created some wonderful costumes.
In the afternoon, Naomi joined us online to take us through a musical Workshop. Naomi is a professional singer and we were able to ask her questions about her job and about the performance that we watched.
We listened to the performers sing in other languages such as Italian and German and we even got to join in too!
Now we have a project to complete and we will all achieve the Arts Award.
Thank you to Clonter Opera for a wonderful experience.
Year 6 Celebrate Anti-bullying Week
To kick off anti-bullying week in school the children came in wearing odd socks. This showed us how each of us are different and unique in our own amazing ways and how not one person should be singled out for having differing traits.
Can you guess whose odd socks belong to who?
Forest Friday for Foundation Stage
This week the children have started looking at the story of Percy The Park Keeper – After The Storm. The children read the beginning of the story where a tree fell down in a storm.
Today in our school woods the children explored the features of trees and learnt about the different parts of the trees.
The children all found that the trees in our woods are very very tall! They have branches way up high with leaves on. The children thought that the branches on the trees were like our arms and the leaves the trees hands.
The children then thought about the trees body – the trunk. Some trees have big trunks and some have small trunks. The children described how the trunk felt.
We then had a look if we could see the trees roots under all the autumn leaves.
We then went to see if any trees in our woods had fallen down like our Percy the Park Keeper story.