Musical Instruments

This week, Year 3 had the pleasure of watching Year 4 perform with their instruments. A great performance Year 4. After this, Year 3 then had the opportunity to practice trying the instruments to decide which ones they may want to play next year.


Today, Year 3 explored how our shadows change depending on where the sun is in the sky. We drew round our shadows in the morning and were very excited when we came back out in the afternoon and our shadows had completely changed position.


Today Mrs Isherwood very kindly took us all to BeWILDerwood to have fun and explore. Year 3 went round with Year 1 and thoroughly enjoyed adventuring up the ropes and zooming down the slides.

Pancake Breakfast

A super busy and fun morning we had for Year 1 and 3’s Enterprise week. There were lots of pancakes, strawberry laces, chocolate and marshmallows eaten. We hope you enjoyed our Swampy and Polar Bear theme and taking part in more events on the day. Thank you for your generous donations.

From Year 1 and Year 3.

Football Fundraising with Year 2

Today has been a great day in Year 2 !
Our fantastic children have brought in cakes, prizes, football posters, sweets and lots more. Everyday this week there will be all of these great stalls available: Cakes, Biscuit and Sweets Stall, Lucky Dip, Blow football, Guess the number of sweets in a jar, Football shop, Design a football kit, Make a keyring.
After school on Tuesday and Thursday there will be ice creams and ice lollies. Please bring along your spending money to join the fun. 50p a go for all. (£1 for ice cream) .

Class 2 are also doing a Sponsored Penalty Goal scoring challenge. They are aiming for 500 goals (This is very ambitious as we have some super Goal Keepers). Today we have reached a collective 104 goals – we will push for more tomorrow ⚽️⚽️⚽️