Monthly Archives: December 2016
Foundation Stage Christmas Trip to Cheshire Reindeer Lodge
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Meeting Father Christmas
Look who came to see us!
Elf Show
Our visit to the Reindeer Lodge
Elfie Selfies, Christmas Dinner and an Elf Run!!
Christmassy Fun
Christmas fun
Year 3 and 4 have been working together this morning to complete Christmas craft activities; they have made their own baubles, Christmas tree decorations, dress the snowman, Christmas colouring, iPad activities, laptop time, different games and even some baking. We loved the baking especially having a lick of the bowl afterwards. When we asked if we were allowed to Mrs Daley said ‘why not it’s Christmas’ 😋
Elf door
Elf Run and Christmas Lunch!
Yesterday saw our Year One’s take part in their Christmas lunch. The children were given the chance to eat their lunch and celebrate Christmas with Mrs Abraham and Mr Capewell, we all had a great time!
We also took part in our Elf Run to raise money for the East Cheshire Hospice. Thanks to everyone’s’ contributions, we were able to raise enough money to beat our target. All of us in Year One and at Marlfields School thank you for your support for this great hospice, and we all wish you a very happy Christmas!