Year 4 – A year of music

This year the children in year 4 have been given the opportunity to learn to play a variety of different instruments including clarinets, cornets, baritones and glockenspiels. The children have learnt a number of new skills which they were then able to show off alongside the Hallé Orchestra at the Bridgewater Hall. We have then finished the year with a bang by learning how drums can produce different tones by being played in different manners.

Year 4 – Design Technology – Alarms

After the shocking discovery that our classroom had been broken into and our items thrown all around the room. We then decided that the classroom needed an alarm system. We then spent some time researching the purpose of alarms, where, when and why they are used.

Today the children then took their plans for their own alarm system for the class and made a miniature version of the classroom. They used their knowledge of electricity from our science work to build circuits to trigger alarms when their classroom as an intruder.

They have worked so incredibly hard and as a class they have won a Good to be Green for the whole class. What fantastic work Year 4.

Lego Building

Today the children were given a great opportunity to see the power of Lego. Year 3 and Year 4 worked together to continue to build the Olympic village and stadiums that had been started previously from the rest of the classes.
A huge thank you to Stephen for coming in and helping us with our amazing creations.

Quidditch at Marlfields

Today at Marlfields we had our second Quidditch tournament. The children were amazing and all played their very best. The Mighty Marlfields spirit was certainly with us today.

The children then waited eagerly to find the results and who were the ultimate winners.

Well done to the Yellow team who scored the most points.

Year 4 Science – switches

During our exploration and investigations of electricity we have learnt about direct current and static electricity, complete circuits, bulbs, motors, wires, conductors and insulators.
This week we have asked ourselves why we use switches, what kinds of switches we know of and use and what would happen if we didn’t have the use of switches.
The children then attempted to make their own switches. Creating circuits and using a buzzer the children had to creat a switch for a science quiz at the end of the day.

Year 4 Geography

Ove the part few weeks year 4 have been studying and learning all about Europe. Alongside this we have started a new book, Miranda the Explorer, where a young girl has become lost while flying in a hot air balloon. The children were given clues around the room to locate where in the world Miranda could be. However, these clues were not written down, using our computing skills the children were given hidden QR codes to scan and find the location of Miranda.

After hunting high and low for the clues they managed to find that Miranda had landed in Russia.

Year 4 Science – electricity

Year 4 are now well under way on their scientific journey into the world of electricity. Today we explored current electricity in the form of mains power and battery powered items. We explored the items in class and furthered our exploration by having a little trip around the school to find all the different electrical devices and if they were mains or battery.

After our adventure we found most of the items in school are actually mains powered.

Year 4 – poetry

This week Year 4 have been looking developing their poetry skills.

We started the week by recapping our knowledge of poetry and the use of figurative language, using this we created a glossary of figurative language. We then discussed the theme of our poems and based them on colours. Using our senses we found objects that linked to our chosen colours. Following from this we used our glossaries and our objects to begin writing our own poems. Today with the weather clearing up we decided to go outside and present our poems.

Year 4 Science Week

This week has been British Science Week across the country and our theme for this year has been Time.

We have had an amazing week working on all of the STEM lessons and have all learnt so much.

The week started with an amazing assembly from Miss Jackson to introduce our theme of time and what exciting things had been planned for the school.

Our first experiment was linked to our work on the digestive system. We have been studying our teeth and how they help us but there are things we can do to help our teeth or in some cases instances damage our teeth. We set up a time investigation to see the effects that different liquids have on our teeth including; water, milk, coke, coke zero, fresh juice and energy drinks. However we would have to wait 5 days to see the effects. The children used eggs, as their shells are made of a similar material to enamel of our teeth, we then made predictions and were shocked to see the results after 5 days.

After the 5 days the children discovered that putting the eggs in water and milk helped to make the shell stronger. The energy drink and fresh juice had made the outer shell rot away and the energy drink made the shell so soft it broke immediately.

The children had a surprised visit from Professor Price a Silly Scientist. She taught us about energy transference, gravity, air flow and many more scientific discoveries.

What an amazing week we have had we have thought about and had so many discussions about the future including painting our interpretation of the year 2050.

Thank you to Miss Jackson and Mrs Isherwood for arranging all these amazing treats for us.

World Book Day

Today the children were given a surprise from Mrs Isherwood who had arranged for an actor to come and re-tell the classic tale of Roald Dahl’s The BFG.

The children loved the performance and were talking about it afterwards with such fondness.

Year 4 – World Book Day – The Iron Man Performance

Today, Year 4 were given the opportunity to work with West End in Schools to perform the story of The Iron Man.

The children started with a warm up to get our bodies. We then recapped the story of The Iron Man.

The children then danced and role played to the story from the beginning where The Iron Man fell apart, the farmer being angry and digging the hole to trap The Iron Man.
The next part of the story the children then moved to the battle between The Iron Man and the Giant Space Bat Dragon.
The final part depicted the victory of The Iron Man and saving the whole world.

The children wish to send a huge thank you to Mrs Isherwood for arranging our experience and West End in Schools for helping teach us to perform on of our favourite stories.

Celebrations in Year 4

Today we had a surprise visit from Mrs Pearce who announced that in our whole school TTRockstars we have won a number of certificates.
Jeremiah has won 3rd place this week for improvement in accuracy, Annisha was 3rd in the biggest increase in correct answers with Ismail coming in 2nd place for biggest increase in correct answers.

Finally Layla was awarded a certificate for being the fastest rockstar in the school.

A huge congratulations goes out to all of the children, well done.