This week the children in EYFS have started their new topic based around the book of Superworm by Julia Donaldson. At the beginning of the week we enjoyed watching the animated version of the story. We have then made our very own worms by wrapping wool around a card shape worm. Then we have ended the week going for a worm hunt to find out where worms live.
Monthly Archives: April 2022
year 5 had a really good afternoon at Eaton Bank High School using the tools and doing D&T
Congleton 750 Celebrations
In our class we have been finding out about the Magna Carta and also The 1272 Congleton Charter.
We were very lucky to be able to borrow the town’s display screens with mountains of history about our locality.
The children explored the Magna Carta by dramatising the story of Magnus Carter the Mole. They learnt about how the people petitioned King John to agree to the rights outlined in the Magna Carta.
After this we learnt about Henry de Lacy a Manor House owner in Congleton who granted people the rights to grow their own crops, trade and have more freedom.
we have also compared a map of Congleton in 1898 with now by sticking on colour coded spots.
Animation in Year 2
This week we have started to film our own animations using ‘stop/ start ‘ animation’ .
we started by making magic drawings then moved on to making our own moving characters inspired by Morph, Wallace and Gromit. Our team working skills were excellent during this activity .
We had such a lot of fun – look at our photos !

Its a goodbye but not forever!
This is Mr. Liew signing off. I would like to say a massive thank you to the whole of Marlfields for being the most welcoming and incredible place to work at.
I’d like to first say thank you to all the members of staff that I’ve worked with, I couldn’t have asked for a better team of people. I’ll be forever grateful to you all helping me with anything that I needed whether it was advice or just a general chitchat.
Thank you for the gifts that I’ve received. The messages in the card have made my day and I wasn’t expecting the extra gift inside it. I’m sure my girlfriend will be making great use out of that.
Thank you to Mrs Isherwood for giving me the opportunity to work at Marlfields.
Lastly, a massive thank you to the children. You’ve all been amazing to teach. Everyday has been a joy to be with you all.
I’m going to miss you all, this won’t be last you hear or see from me!!!
See you soon.
P.S. sorry Mrs Radcliffe for using the blog for the week.