Crystal Maze

Four Year 5 children took part in the Chrystal Maze challenge at Eaton Bank today. Their first task was a maths challenge to build the tallest and strongest tower to survive an earthquake, using marshmallows and spaghetti. Next they had to search for definitions in a dictionary. They then had a Science challenge in the brand new Science labs, using microscopes to identify different parts of insects. They also had to design and fly a paper aeroplane the furthest distance. Finally, they had to collect red, gold and black crystals worth different amounts to score the most points.

And the winners were…MARLFIELDS!!!

A great morning at Astbury Mere

Today Year 5 learnt how to kayak. We played games like Colour Domination where you had to tap the back of your opponents kayak 3 times. It was tricky when we had to line up and hold each others’ kayaks. Some children over came their initial fear and built up quite a speed! Alice was really proud of herself because she didn’t think she could do it but by the end of the session she was a whizz!

Vicious Viking Jewelry

Yesterday, we researched different Viking Jewelry, we then sketched different designs into our Art sketchpads and we chose to design our own based on the styles we have found.

Today, we followed our designs from the previous day and recreated them out of clay. Using different tools we were able to sculpt our jewelry using the clay into our different designs and show them off to the rest of the classes.

Year 5 Fire Safety

Yesterday we were visited by Congleton Fire Service to teach us about Fire Safety. Ashton modelled the safety gear that fire fighters use.

We were taught that we need working smoke alarms on all levels in our home; close all doors at night and the importance of having a Fire Saction Plan. We were also advised to turn all electical items off; tidy away anything on the floor and take a mobile phone to bed.

Fire Action Plan 1

  • check the door for heat
  • go to your parents room
  • wake others up
  • go straight outside
  • call 999

Fire Action Plan 2

If there is a block escape route:

  • check the door for heat
  • go to your parents’ room
  • crawl low
  • escape through the window

Fire Action Plan 3

  • check your bedroom door for heat, if it is hot:
  • block gaps around the door
  • shout out of the window

After this, we went in to the smoke tent so that we could experience how it is better to crawl under the smoke. It was difficult to see when we were stood up but clearer when we we low to the floor.

Irreversible Changes

This week in Science, Year 5 have been learning about irreversible changes. We mixed vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to create a chemical reaction which produced a gas. After this, we shook a jar of double cream to create butter. This again is an irreversible change.

The Iron Man

Today we have taken part in a workshop with Autumn from West End in Schools. Autumn has starred on the West End in many shows. Our session was based on the story of The Iron Man. We used dance to retell the story, using different moves and facial expressions to depict the story from the Iron Man falling apart to his victory over the Space-bat-angel dragon. It was a really enjoyable session finishing with a performance of the dance in full.

Head over to our Google Classroom page to watch a video of our performance!

Brilliant Biomes

Year 5 were given a homework task over 1/2 term to create a biome. Dylan and Esmé made Tundra biomes, whilst Reggie made a tropical rainforest, complete with a knitted sloth and snake. Both Ethan and Kyran used live plants to create theirs. They all look amazing and really extended their Geographical understanding.