Year 1 had a great time creating a spaceship from the pumpkin that we received from the allotment!
We looked at the spaceship in our story ‘Toys in Space’ and created the features of a spaceship from cardboard and tin foil.
Year 1 had a great time creating a spaceship from the pumpkin that we received from the allotment!
We looked at the spaceship in our story ‘Toys in Space’ and created the features of a spaceship from cardboard and tin foil.
We have worked really hard (like minions!) to create our Pumpkin Masterpiece!
We have been reading a brilliant book called ‘Toys in Space’ by Mini Grey.
One of the characters in the story is a Hoctopize so we made one of our very own!
We had lots of fun making one and then we wrote our own instructions on how we did it.
Year 6 designed and carved a magnificent pumpkin, which was grown in our very own allotment. Extremely excited, they designed a spooky, triple faced horror. Glowing like a witch’s cauldron, it lit up the classroom. Each child has a carefully handmade seed packet of their own to grow another petrifying terror at home.
Today we have been doing PE using our listening skills to the instructions and moving to the music and action songs. We had lots of fun in our music and movement session!
We have been extremely busy so far in year 4, here are some examples of our topic work.
We have completed a timeline of events, learning about the key events that have taken place to help shape history, found out about Roman soldiers and Roman gladiators and written a set of instructions if how to become a Roman gladiator. In maths we have been learning our Roman numerals so have created a Roman sun dial.
This afternoon in class 4 we have been preparing the next pages in our topic books. First we are painting our colosseums and then we are going to add lots of information following our learning all about Roman Gladiators.
This morning the children had lots of fun in the forest learning about the seasonal changes of Autumn. The children observed the leaves changing colour and falling off the trees.
The children then had a leaf treasure hunt they had to find a big and a small leaf, a yellow leaf, a brown leaf, and a green leaf. Then we finished off by finding 3 leaves and counting them carefully.
We finished by jumping in the leaves.
Today we went to the Forest for the first time. We got ready in our waterproof suits and wellington boots and set off! We had great fun!