Balance Bike Day

Today in Foundation Stage we had an exciting opportunity to take part in a workshop using balance bikes. The workshop was led by Proride. The children learnt how to ride a balance bike, learn new skills and then go onto improving their skills through a variety of different games and rides.

EYFS to the Rescue!

Yesterday, some children found a Bee in our outdoor area not feeling too good. The children asked why the bee was not flying in the sky. We explained that the Bee had not got enough energy to fly and we needed to help it. The children made some sugary water and gave it to the bee. It helped the Bee and the children saw the bee fly away a few moments later.

Looking for Frogspawn in EYFS

The children in EYFS have started to learn about the lifecycle of a frog. Last week the children learnt about what frogs look like by making representations of frogs using their art skills. The children learnt that frogs live in ponds, they have long legs to help them jump and swim in the water.

This week the children went to look at our school pond to see if we can find any frogs…

The children could see the shape of the pond was a circle and their was pond weed and plants growing in the pond for the animals to eat and hide in. When the children looked closely at the pond they could see – frogspawn that the frogs had laid.

The children collected some of the frogspawn and put it into a tank for the classroom so they can observe the changes over time and what happens next to the frogspawn.

Gymnastics in EYFS

On Monday the children in EYFS were learning about balancing in their PE session. The children began by exploring how we can balance using different parts of our body.

The children developed their balancing skills using different apparatus and obstacles.

I wonder what moves….Dinosaurs!

This half term the children in Early Years have been using Dinosaurs as a theme for their learning.

The children started their topic by discovering a dinosaur egg in our sand pit. The children worked together to make nests for the dinosaur egg.

The children have learnt about the different types of dinosaurs and what environments they liked to live in. The children created representations of different dinosaurs using their colour mixing skills to create the colours they wanted.

The children have finished the topic with a Dinosaur Hunt in our school woods. The Dinosaurs were hiding in a variety of different places; behind the tree, under the bench, next to the tree, in the flowers, in the tree.

The children have really enjoyed the learning through Dinosaurs!