Today we had to count the germinated seeds and work out the percentage for red and for blue. There are 14% of the red seeds germinated and 18% of the blue. Every two days we have to turn the trays 180 degrees and check if they need watering. There doesn’t appear to be much difference yet. None are growing upside down though!
Monthly Archives: April 2016
Ducklings go for a paddle! by Evie, Elitsa and Ella.D
Space seeds
Rocket Science
This week we were so excited to receive our batches of rocket seeds. Two packets of seeds were delivered: one blue, one red. We do not know which packet has spent 6 months on the ISS. There are strict instructions on how to carry out the investigation. Mrs Gartside helped us plant the 200 seeds and now we’re carefully monitoring them.
Tri-golf Assembly
Learning about our shadows in spring.
Fizzy Tots PE
Foundation Stage Stay, Play, Learn & Grow Together
Foundation Stage Stay, Play, Learn & Grow Together
The water cycle experiment
This week Year 5 have been learning about the water cycle. We made our own water cycle in a bottle. Jacob wanted to know why rain didn’t taste salty if it had evaporated from the sea. We decided to extend our experiment to see if this is true. By adding salt to the water, we were able to see if there was still salt in the rain we produced. Jacob tested our results and said there wasn’t any. We concluded that the salt must stay in the sea.