Year 4 Science – electricity

Year 4 are now well under way on their scientific journey into the world of electricity. Today we explored current electricity in the form of mains power and battery powered items. We explored the items in class and furthered our exploration by having a little trip around the school to find all the different electrical devices and if they were mains or battery.

After our adventure we found most of the items in school are actually mains powered.

Year 4 – poetry

This week Year 4 have been looking developing their poetry skills.

We started the week by recapping our knowledge of poetry and the use of figurative language, using this we created a glossary of figurative language. We then discussed the theme of our poems and based them on colours. Using our senses we found objects that linked to our chosen colours. Following from this we used our glossaries and our objects to begin writing our own poems. Today with the weather clearing up we decided to go outside and present our poems.

Volcano Eruptions

This morning Class 3 watched how to make their volcano erupt. They watched as Miss Trussler put some Mentos into a bottle of Coke. She didn’t even have time to get out of the way before it erupted high in the sky! The children absolutely loved watching it as you can hear on our short video!

Irreversible Changes

This week in Science, Year 5 have been learning about irreversible changes. We mixed vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to create a chemical reaction which produced a gas. After this, we shook a jar of double cream to create butter. This again is an irreversible change.

World Religions; The Last Supper and the story of Easter.

This week in our world religion lesson we looked at ‘The last supper’ and how Christians celebrate the holy communion by eating bread to represent the body of Jesus and wine (juice) to represent Jesus’ blood. We also looked at Good Friday and the Easter story in class. This was then followed up with an assembly to help the children understand that Jesus forgave everybody for his sins and died with them in order to give everyone a ‘clean slate’ – this was demonstrated in the assembly by the speaker getting a pie in the face for others mistakes.
We then looked at the rebirth of Jesus and how he resurrected on Easter Sunday and what the Easter egg represents (new life).
Below are some pictures from this weeks lessons and assembly.