Thank you from ‘Team 2’

Since our Football themed Enterprise Week – Class 2 now call themselves ‘Team 2’!
what a team they were – they managed to raise £732.59 during the week, which will help support trips and some equipment for the playground. The children and staff members in Year 2 have been overwhelmed with your generosity, thank you very much👍

Year 2 DT – Ferris Wheels

Year 2 have been discovering the world of Ferris Wheels. We have looked at the world real life examples of Ferris Wheels and why we use them. We have planned how they can be built using a variety of different materials and today was the day of our big build. The children used all of their knowledge and built their Ferris Wheels.

Science Week in Year 2 .

This week we have been super busy in Year 2 for Science Week. We have been exploring this year’s theme ‘Time’. First of all we looked at how our planet had changed overtime and how Global Warming is harming our planet. We explored how we could recycle and reuse materials instead of using landfill for rubbish. We have set up an investigation to see how long it will take for different materials to breakdown underground.
We enjoyed a visit from ‘Silly Science’ on Tuesday and on Wednesday we had a virtual lesson with a real life farmer. We found out how baby lambs and calves were fed by their mothers then moved to solid foods. We saw lots of modern farming methods and also worked out how to fix a tractor. Later that day we designed our farms of the future . Some of our designs included bee gardens to pollinate plants, tractors fueled by bio- fuels, solar panels on rooftops… every aspect of our farms considered looking after our planet.
Our favourite lesson was testing different materials for tea bags.
We made tea bags from tin foil, cotton, blue paper towel and plastic. We put 200 ml of water over each bag, for one minute and recorded the shade of tea and the amount of loose leaf’s in the water We noticed stirring the tea had an impact on the colour of the tea and the amount of leaves floating in the drink.
some of our findings surprised us!
Finally we all tried to make a sand timer that would run for exactly one minute – we noticed the size of hole and amount of sand both impacted on the time to run for our timers .

DT in Year 2

Today Year 2 have spent the whole day crafting, problem solving and sticking to create a Ferris Wheel with the help from Year 3. We started the day by cutting out a template on cardboard and then joined the pieces together to create the frame. The children then created an axel so that the wheel could spin. The children worked in teams to decorate their wheels and finally evaluated their finished pieces. We had so much fun!

PE Friday!

We had to do PE inside today because of the rain, it was still good fun. We did warm up games and then played Scatterball, which is like Bowling. We all loved it, it’s good fun.