In science yesterday the children were investigating which materials had the most impact on friction when a car travelled down a ramp. The car travelled the fastest on sandpaper and slowest on foil.
Monthly Archives: November 2022
Foundation Stage on a Welly Walk
Today we went on our first Welly Walk. We went to look at different houses in our local community. We found flats, bungalows, terraced houses, detached houses, semi detached houses and even a house on wheels – campervan!
Year 3 Rock Stars!
Today Class 3 learnt about three types of rock: sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic. They had enormous fun making edible versions of these formations.
Learning to Use Animation
During our computing lesson the children were remixing coding blocks to change their animations.
Upthrust – Science
This afternoon year 5 have been investigating forces, in particular upthrust. The children had a range of items that they weighed as they are and then weighed in water to see what happened. The children found out that the objects weighed less in water due to the force upthrust. To finish off the children used plasticine to make into a boat to see if it could float.
Dinosaur Biscuits in Year 2!
DT investigation
As part of our DT topic the children are going to be making moving Viking long boats, last week to begin the designing process the children investigated how to use the cams in order to make the boats move up and down.
A busy week in Foundation Stage!
This week we have had an exciting week. We have had sand put into our sandpit! The children have loved it!
Every morning we start our day with a ‘Wake Up Shake Up’ dance. This week we have learnt the Pizza Dance. The children have learnt the moves really well and have loved dancing to the song every morning. So we have finished the week by making Pizzas!
The children also learnt what happens to cheese when it goes into a hot oven and how it changes.
Class 3 cinema trip!
On Thursday we had a fantastic time visiting the Vue Cinema in Newcastle. We had reclining chairs which was very luxurious. The film was ‘The Croods 2’ and we all loved it !

Anti-bullying in Year 6
The children have worked hard this week on anti-bullying and after a few live lessons in class the children have taken inspiration to create a graffiti wall. Spreading the message of how we can ‘Reach Out’ each child has left their mark on the wall and hope that the rest of the school will be able to look at it and the message from Year 6 will be passed on.
TT Rockstars
This week the children were given the challenge to complete as many questions on TT Rockstars as possible on the lead up to the World Cup.
As a special treat Mrs Isherwood and Mrs Pearce have given a prize to those children who scored 100 points and higher.
Well done to everyone who has taken part and we all look forward to our next upcoming surprises.
What a team!

Our Year 5 and 6 girls took part in last night’s league matches at Eaton Bank. They played very well together as a team and there were super skills on display! We also loved catching up with some of our Year 6 pupils from last year who helped us to warm up.
Jumping to success!
Holly G in Year 6 jumped her way to 2nd place in the North Staffordshire Trampolining Club Competition at the weekend. Her routine involved: a front landing, straddle jump, seat landing, half twist, tuck jump, pike jump and a back landing! What a fantastic achievement – well done Holly!

Year 4 Design Technology – Bread
Today was the day that the children had been waiting for. Today was the day we made bread.
Starting by planning what our bread should look like and what ingredients would be needed the children then set about making the bread itself.
We mixed together the dry ingredients with a small amount of water, slowly mixing until it began to make a dough. After kneading the dough and adding any additional ingredients brought from home the children then left it to prove and passed it to Miss Roberts in the kitchen to cook for us.
The class then were able to taste their final products shortly after dinner where we had a number of happy faces and a number who were not so impressed.
Foundation Stage on Remembrance Day
The children in Foundation Stage made a Poppy Wreath to help them remember all those who fought for us in World Wars.