On Tuesday 60 lucky children went on a trip toHarry Potter StudioTour. We all had a brilliant time!

Year 4 are now well under way on their scientific journey into the world of electricity. Today we explored current electricity in the form of mains power and battery powered items. We explored the items in class and furthered our exploration by having a little trip around the school to find all the different electrical devices and if they were mains or battery.
After our adventure we found most of the items in school are actually mains powered.
This week Year 4 have been looking developing their poetry skills.
We started the week by recapping our knowledge of poetry and the use of figurative language, using this we created a glossary of figurative language. We then discussed the theme of our poems and based them on colours. Using our senses we found objects that linked to our chosen colours. Following from this we used our glossaries and our objects to begin writing our own poems. Today with the weather clearing up we decided to go outside and present our poems.