Change starts with us ……..

last week we celebrated anti-bullying week with a theme of ‘change starts with us’ we though about how we could make our school community a happier place for everyone.

It was lovely to see the children focusing on being kind, paying each other compliments, offering support, praising effort and SMILING! The children have made a pledge to make a small change to their behaviour in school that could make a huge difference to someones day.

The children also wore odd socks to celebrate diversity and to highlight that we are all  unique and special. 


Talk for Writing

This morning we have been busy changing our current class text ‘Meerkat Mail’, to tell our own journey story. We have each changed the main character and some of us have also changed the setting. When we had finished our story maps, we retold our version of the story to our friends.



The UK

Our new topic is ‘The UK and Far Away’. This week in our Geography lesson, we used different maps and atlases to locate each of the 4 countries of the UK and identify their flags.

Length and Height

This week in maths, we have been working on length and height. We have been using different words to compare the length and height of people and object and also used concrete resources, using both standard and non-standard units of measurement.

Special Delivery…

At the start of the week, Mrs Bennett arrived with a large envelope for Nursery. We opened the envelope to find a letter from a meerkat called Sunny… all the way from the Kalahari desert! Sunny sent a copy of ‘Meerkat Mail’ with his note, for us to learn all about his adventures in our new English focus text.

St George’s Day

Our new topic is ‘The UK and Far Away’. As part of this topic, we will be learning about all of the countries in the UK. To celebrate St George’s Day today, we learnt about the story of St George and the dragon and how he sailed the seas to defeat a dragon and save a princess.

In small groups, we acted out the story. We each took on a different role and shared the story with the class. There were some very dramatic performances… great work Year One :).