What a wonderful day we had playing with world renowned Halle orchestra at the Bridgewater hall in Manchester.
We sang with an astronaut, danced with an alien and even met Superman.
During this Summer Term the children in EYFS have had music lessons delivered by Love Music Trust as part of our learning in Expressive Arts and Design. The project has been based around the character of Barney Bear at the Seaside. The children have learnt lots of different songs and music skills.
On Friday to celebrate our learning and development within the area of music Reception and Nursery went to take part in a celebration concert at Clonter Opera and a Teddy Bears Picnic. The children all had a great time and they performed in the celebration concert brilliantly.
Yesterday the children in Reception went to their next As Time Goes By session at Trinity Church.
The children took along some games to play with the adults. All children and adults enjoyed playing the games.
On Thursday, Rohan, Fay, Gaby and Oliver R travelled to Eaton Bank Academy for a Fairtrade workshop session.
They went into a DT room with children from other schools and learnt about Fairtrade and talked about how farmers in other countries need to keep birds from eating their crops. They made windmill bird scarers which they decorated with images of birds of prey faces and eyes. Ollie’s artwork was even commented on by their art teacher- well done Ollie!
The group then went to a Geography class and learnt about how items are manufactured in other countries and are then traded for money and goods with other countries. They played a trading game where they had to manufacture shapes from paper which they could sell for money or trade with other teams for equipment. each team started off with different amounts of money and equipment.
On Friday we learnt all about the difference between Ancient Greek Olympic sports compared to modern day. Rohan shared his half-term homework about Olympic sports and we then each posed as an olympic sport and then some of us guessed what sport each child was posing as.
This week the children have been busy in the kitchen with Mrs Barnes.
The children have been creating delicious snack time fruit creations linked to our story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
The children have been learning how to cut fruit with a knife safely and with control.
This morning Year 5’s were treated to an extraordinary visit from Roberts Bakery where they learnt all about what bread is made from and the science that is involved with making bread. They even became bakers for the morning and made their own small loaves of bread. What a fab morning had by all!
Today Year 3 had a brilliant day at Little Moreton Hall. We learnt all about life in Tudors times. If you were rich, life wasn’t too bad but if you were poor there were many jobs that were rather unpleasant! The worst one being a gong scourer. We all made a tussy mussy each to ward off bad smells and illnesses. Some of today’s sayings come from the Tudor times – chairman of the board, board games, Sleep tight don’t let the bugs bite. Some of us learnt how to walk properly up and down the Long Gallery. The name Moreton comes from the open mouth of a wolf being called a “maw” and a small barrel called a “tonne”. We would all like to visit again!