Investigating Winter Weather! 

This week the weather has been very cold and icy. The children in Reception have been investigating the cold weather looking closely at how water turns into ice. 

We added different things into the water for example, food colouring, feathers, leaves, plastic insects, glitter and then we left the water outside overnight and watched the magic happen. We had great fun exploring the ice melt. 


Christmas Countdown

In Reception on the 1st of December Reception learnt all about Advent Calendars and why we have them at Christmas Time. 

The day started with the children coming into class and finding an Elf sat on the shelf. He had a letter in his hand explaining Father Christmas had sent him to our Reception Class to watch the children’s behaviour.

The Elf had also brought Christmas to the classroom…


The children then helped decorate the Christmas Tree….

We also played an Advent Calendar game in Phonics where the children had to identify the initial sound of the pictures behind the doors. 


Remembrance Day

The children learnt about why we celebrate Rememberance Day today.

The children watched a beautiful animation following a young rabbit through poppy fields to illustrate the meaning of remembrance Day.

Follow the link below to watch at home.

This afternoon we followed the children’s interests as they wanted to make poppies to wear and take home to remember the soldiers.


Stay & Play

Reception and Nursery held their first Stay & Play session for parents and children.

The theme of the Stay & Play session was Communication and Language. We provided a range of indoor and outdoor play themed learning opportunities for the children to demonstrate their communication and language skills of listening, understanding, and speaking.

Thank you to all the parents who came along. We hope you had lots of fun! 



Remember, Remember The 5th of November

This week in Reception we have been learning about the celebration of Bonfire Night. 

We began thinking about how we can stay safe on Bonfire Night.

 We have made Firework biscuits using our fine motor skills and mixing colours. We have made Bonfire pictures mixing yellow and red paint to make orange flames for our pictures. 

 We have watched the colours in fireworks on the Interactive whiteboard and then experimented using our Science skills to mix and created different firework colours. 


Goldilocks & The Three Bears

In our Literacy work we have been very busy making story maps of the story of Goldilocks & The Three Bears. We then used our story maps to retell the story using our language skills. 

We have then used our writing skills pretending to be Goldilocks. We wrote letters to The Three Bears to say sorry for eating all the porridge, breaking Baby Bear’s chair and sleeping in their beds. 


The Season of Autumn

We have been learning about the season of Autumn and observing the changes that happen to the outside environment. 

We have been to the woods and explored the changes and collected lots of Autumn objects.  We then used these Autumn objects to make Autumn faces and create an Autumn display to celebrate our learning. 


Making Bread

After our Harvest Festival celebration in school the children in Reception made Bread and learnt about the process of making bread. 

The children mixed the ingredients in the bowl; flour, yeast and water.

Then they learnt how to knead the bread and shape their dough into a roll. 


Final Jack and the Beanstalk Fun!

This week we have been finishing our topic about Jack and the Beanstalk. We have done lots of story telling using our completed story map with words and actions. 

We have also planted our beanstalk plants outside because they have grown so BIG in the classroom. So we can continue watching them them grow in our outdoor area. The children are waiting for beans to grow on the plants so we can have them for dinner one day. 



We have been measuring in Maths, using Giant footsteps and Jack footsteps. The children had to measure how long the table was, how long their tray was, how long a piece of paper is, and how long a ruler is. Some of the children wanted to see how many of the Giants footsteps it would be to Mrs Yoxall in the office. How many do you think it was?