International Dough Disco Day

This morning we celebrated ‘International Dough Disco Day’. We invited all of our parents in for a Physical Development themed morning and completed various fine motor skill activities with play dough to support our writing skills. We then participated in the live dough disco session, with all of the children showing their parents what we do in our daily sessions.

Thanks all for a great turnout again, we hope that you will be able to try some of the things out at home! Please see Miss Barber or Miss Carter for playdough recipes if you would like them.


Making the Leaning Tower of Pisa… Using pasta!

Our new topic is ‘All Around the World’ and for the next 2 weeks we will be focusing on Italy, at the request of the children. They have come up with some fantastic ideas about what they would like to do and learn about… Watch this space to see what we get up to!


This morning, they asked to make ‘The Leaning Tower of Pisa’. We looked at photographs and discussed the tower itself and Italy, then made our own representations using pasta.