Greek cuisine

Today, Year 5 brought Greece to the classroom. They tried feta cheese, hummus, tzatziki and olives. Most children enjoyed the new flavours with some even braving olives, however it was fair to say that they weren’t everyone’s favourite. 🇬🇷 🫒 🇬🇷

Clonter Opera Visit

Today we had a visit from Rachel and Sally from Clonter. We talked about Shakespeare and some of his plays. We drew how we imagined the stage would look for different plays and then worked in a group to make a 3d version. When it was finished we thought about how we would light our stage and used torches to show how different lights changed the look of our stage.

A Frosty Morning Walk

This week the children in Early Years have been learning about the frosty weather and where animals live. The children experienced the frosty ground and the noise the frozen leaves made when they walked through them.

We went to look for animal homes in the school woods. We found where a fox , badger and mole lives. The children learn that these animals are nocturnal and only come out at night.