Change starts with us ……..

last week we celebrated anti-bullying week with a theme of ‘change starts with us’ we though about how we could make our school community a happier place for everyone.

It was lovely to see the children focusing on being kind, paying each other compliments, offering support, praising effort and SMILING! The children have made a pledge to make a small change to their behaviour in school that could make a huge difference to someones day.

The children also wore odd socks to celebrate diversity and to highlight that we are all  unique and special. 


Fairtrade at Eaton Bank

On Thursday, Rohan, Fay, Gaby and Oliver R travelled to Eaton Bank Academy for a Fairtrade workshop session.

They went into a DT room with children from other schools and learnt about Fairtrade and talked about how farmers in other countries need to keep birds from eating their crops. They made windmill bird scarers which they decorated with images of birds of prey faces and eyes. Ollie’s artwork was even commented on by their art teacher- well done Ollie!

The group then went to a Geography class and learnt about how items are manufactured in other countries and are then traded for money and goods with other countries. They played a trading game where they had to manufacture shapes from paper which they could sell for money or trade with other teams for equipment. each team started off with different amounts of money and equipment.


Making our own switches.

In Science club this week to link with ‘Switch off fortnight’ the children were given a challenge. The challenge was to make a circuit and then create a switch using household materials. The children used tinfoil, paper clips, split pins and card to do this. They all did a fantastic job and had fun too!