Chester Zoo Workshop- Life Cycles

What a fabulous afternoon that we had! On Wednesday 24th October, we were visited by Adele a ranger from Chester Zoo who came to tell us all about life cycles. We learnt all about the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates, how long an elephant carries her baby for and we even got to see a video of an elephant being born at Chester Zoo. Thank you to Mrs Radcliffe for organizing it for us.

National No Pens Day

Year 5 have had a super day for No Pens Day Wednesday. It has been a day that has encouraged Miss Sowry to plan  lessons  that  didn’t  involve the children needing to use their  pens or pencils and to run a day of hands on and speaking and listening activities. In  English we performed our news reports in front of the the class and then we discussed what was good about each  news report and what they could improve for next time. Each child said at least one positive aspect and one aspect that each group could work on.


In Maths, we created a ‘human’ negative number line with the whole class- which was so much fun 🙂 

Then in Science, we began to make and develop our parachutes as part of our Forces topic in Science- pictures to come soon.


Overall, we had a fantastic Wednesday and enjoyed not using pens, pencils or even whiteboard pens for the day.


Year 5 had an illuminating experience when they went to Daven to learn about the science of fireworks.


Nature Shoe Boxes


This week at Marlfields it has been Forest School week. Today we designed and created nature shoe boxes. We worked in our teams (Polar Bear, Snow leopard, Panda and Orangutan) to create the habitat of our adopted animals. Can you tell which habitat belongs to which animal?



Class 5 Assembly

Today Year 5 performed their assembly. It included topic work, English, a retelling of Beowulf, Science, DT and even a Maths dance! The children have worked exceptionally hard this year and it shows in how much progress they have made. Well done Year 5!


Junior Orchestra Assembly

Key Stage 2 were treated to an exciting assembly all about Congleton Junior Orchestra. We all took part in a game of Name that tune’ where we all were able to say what song each was and the instructors were ever so impressed by our musical knowledge.

There will be an open day from 10-12pm at Trinity Church on June 16th, where there will be games and opportunities to try out the different instruments.

SPORT RELIEF: Staff vs Pupils Charity Football Match

Last Friday, we held our Staff vs Pupils football matches, all in aid of Sport Relief. We had a fantastic turnout of players (both pupils and staff) and amazing support from pupil and parents.

We managed to raise just over £420!! Thank you so much for everyone’s support, it was a very enjoyable evening for staff and pupils alike (as well as lots of sore teachers over the weekend!)