Stone circles

On Wednesday afternoon in Class 3 we looked at Stone henge and Stone circles. We worked through three different activities.

One group were reading information from books and recording it, one group were drawing and labelling a diagram of Stone circles and one group were using clay to make their own model of Stone circles.

The children had so much fun and learnt lots too. They shared their facts and discussed them at the end of the lesson. We think that the Stone circles were built to help Neolithic people to know what time of year it was. This depended on the way the sun shone through the Stone circles, it helped them to know when it was the winter soliste and summer soliste, this helped the farmers to know when to harvest their crops.


Eco club

To celebrate our final week in Eco club before the half term, the children wanted to go outside and use leaves 🍁 to make faces. We wrapped up, went outside, they made faces, different animals from their house team and some even created nests for birds. We had lots of fun and it was great to see the children working together being so enthusiastic.

Into the Forest 🌳

In English this week we have been looking at the story ‘Into the Forest’. We have worked in groups to look at different pages of the story to try and work out what might happen. The Mum in the story tells the little boy to go the long way round to Grandma’s rather than through the forest, we created a conscience alley to give the boy advice of what to do. We added nouns, adjectives and verbs to the pictures and wrote down questions we’d like to know about the story. We were also introduced to the idea of personification and we worked together to make a class poem.






In our science lessons this half term we have been learning about animals including humans. We have looked at skeletons of humans, animals, the scientific names of these and then moved on to muscles.

Last week we went outside and did different exercises, as we completed them we could feel our different muscles working.

Stone Age soup

Last week Year 3 had the chance to go cooking with Mrs Barnes, to link with our topic of Stone Age the children made Stone Age soup. They used mushrooms, onions, stock cube, milk and water. When they had made the soup we all tasted it and wrote instructions of how to make the soup.


Sensory Wheelbarrow

Nursery have currently been creating their very own sensory wheelbarrow for a competition. They decided they wanted lights and strawberries within the wheelbarrow. They have been able to plant the plants and have been watering the garden daily.

Fairtrade at Eaton Bank

On Thursday, Rohan, Fay, Gaby and Oliver R travelled to Eaton Bank Academy for a Fairtrade workshop session.

They went into a DT room with children from other schools and learnt about Fairtrade and talked about how farmers in other countries need to keep birds from eating their crops. They made windmill bird scarers which they decorated with images of birds of prey faces and eyes. Ollie’s artwork was even commented on by their art teacher- well done Ollie!

The group then went to a Geography class and learnt about how items are manufactured in other countries and are then traded for money and goods with other countries. They played a trading game where they had to manufacture shapes from paper which they could sell for money or trade with other teams for equipment. each team started off with different amounts of money and equipment.


Little Moreton Hall

Today Year 3 had a brilliant day at Little Moreton Hall. We learnt all about life in Tudors times. If you were rich, life wasn’t too bad but if you were poor there were many jobs that were rather unpleasant! The worst one being a gong scourer. We all made a tussy mussy each to ward off bad smells and illnesses. Some of today’s sayings come from the Tudor times – chairman of the board, board games, Sleep tight don’t let the bugs bite. Some of us learnt how to walk properly up and down the Long Gallery. The name Moreton comes from the open mouth of a wolf being called a “maw” and a small barrel called a “tonne”. We would all like to visit again!