
This week it has been ‘barvember’ so as well as our normal Maths lessons we have done more bar models. We have found some of them quite tricky especially the word problems because we have had to read the questions carefully in order to understand how to work out the answers.

Here is some of our work.

Topic work

We have been extremely busy so far in year 4, here are some examples of our topic work.

We have completed a timeline of events, learning about the key events that have taken place to help shape history, found out about Roman soldiers and Roman gladiators and written a set of instructions if how to become a Roman gladiator. In maths we have been learning our Roman numerals so have created a Roman sun dial.

A Year in Year 4

As we draw to the end of the school year, we have been reflecting on all that we have achieved. Please take a look at all of the amazing learning that has taken place in year 4, both in school and at home!

Thank you Year 4 for a fabulous year that we will never forget! You are all amazing!

Change starts with us ……..

last week we celebrated anti-bullying week with a theme of ‘change starts with us’ we though about how we could make our school community a happier place for everyone.

It was lovely to see the children focusing on being kind, paying each other compliments, offering support, praising effort and SMILING! The children have made a pledge to make a small change to their behaviour in school that could make a huge difference to someones day.

The children also wore odd socks to celebrate diversity and to highlight that we are all  unique and special. 


Billy Bob Buttons

Today we’ve been really lucky to have a visit from an author. Billy Bob Buttons has written lots of books and taught us about characterisation. He helped us use similes and metaphors to tell our readers about characters. We also used our senses to describe them. We learnt that it is important to make our characters seem real.