Science week in year 4

We had a super week of science and investigated lots of different things.

we thought about how the length of a helicopter’s blades could effect how well if flew.


We considered how we would make it a fair test and made accurate measurements

Olivia and Talula thought about the different types of exercise that would keep our bodies fit and healthy

We investigated the idea that if you drop a piece of toast, it will always land butter side down!

We tested to see if the height it was dropped, the size of the piece of the variety of topping made  difference to this theory.

We have also bought about how finger prints are taken. We experimented with a range of different of different ways to see which gave us the clearest and mot detailed print.

Forest school morning

This morning we had an introduction assembly to Science week, we found out that if you add bicarbonate of soda to lemon it causes a chemical reaction and fizzes, to make it more exciting we added food colouring. After this we worked collaboratively in our house teams and had a Forest School morning. We were given four different activities to complete in our groups. The yellow team started at the pond area, we were given a scavenger hunt to do and the resources to do tree rubbings. We were very successful and found all of the things Miss Carter had put on the list even a wild card item, we think we will get the extra points for ours.

The second activity we completed was the den building, we had lots of fun and even used rope and tarpolein to make our den draft free. The third activity we completed after break time was the collaborative art, we had a big yellow sheet and found lots of natural materials to put together to show our team animal which is a snow leopard. Finally we were in the quad planting nasturtiums, we took it in turns filling our pots with compost, popping the seeds in, covering them and watering them.

It was such a wonderful start to the week, even the sunshine came out. A big thank you to Mrs Daley and Miss Carter for arranging a fabulous morning!

Chocolate Roman Roads

This week we have been thinking about how the Romans helped to shape our lives today. The Romans were the first to build proper roads in Britain. We had a go at making our own Roman Roads, but a much more interesting version! If you would like to have a go at making your own Chocolate Roman Road then follow the instructions below, written by Charlie Pass:


How to make a CHOCOLATE Roman Road

Have you ever wondered how the Romans built their roads? If yes, then read these instructions and you might be able to make your own tasty, edible version.


What you need:

  • Muesli
  • Fig roll
  • White KitKat
  • Maltesers
  • Oreos

What you do:

  1. First put muesli in the cup. That stands for the rubble that the Romans used at the very bottom, once they had dug a trench.
  2. Secondly put the fig roll in. This is like the layer of concrete.
  3. Next Carefully place the KitKat on top of the fig roll. They are a mixture of stones and concrete
  4. After that, place the maltesers (which are the large stones) and try to make sure that they don’t roll away.
  5. Finally, lay the Oreo biscuit like you would smooth paving stones.


Don’t eat it all at once or you might be sick. Make sure that you share with your friends.

Making our own switches.

In Science club this week to link with ‘Switch off fortnight’ the children were given a challenge. The challenge was to make a circuit and then create a switch using household materials. The children used tinfoil, paper clips, split pins and card to do this. They all did a fantastic job and had fun too!

Clonter Opera

Years 3 and 4 had a fantastic day at the Clonter Opera. Our first task was to design our own sets for a stage production. Next we had a music workshop, where we sang songs, recorded a magical forest sound track, danced and even learnt the alphabet in sign language. In the afternoon, we watched the actors and singers perform. There were songs from West Side Story, Matilda and Sweeny Todd. We all enjoyed it and can’t wait to visit again.