Clonter Opera

Years 3 and 4 had a fantastic day at the Clonter Opera. Our first task was to design our own sets for a stage production. Next we had a music workshop, where we sang songs, recorded a magical forest sound track, danced and even learnt the alphabet in sign language. In the afternoon, we watched the actors and singers perform. There were songs from West Side Story, Matilda and Sweeny Todd. We all enjoyed it and can’t wait to visit again.

Year 3 Enterprise.

Thank you to those who have supported Year Three’s Enterprise so far. We sold lots of cake pops today and made a BIG Mess !! We did have lots of fun though (and we tidied up!)

Remember that tomorrow we will be selling Ice pops on the playground, after school.

We will also be selling raffle tickets – £1 a strip. Our raffle prizes are some beautiful jewellery, Handmade by Cesare’s mum!

You’ve got to be in it to win it!!

On Frdiay we will be selling another fresh batch of Cake pops so don’t forget your 50p


Junior Orchestra Assembly

Key Stage 2 were treated to an exciting assembly all about Congleton Junior Orchestra. We all took part in a game of Name that tune’ where we all were able to say what song each was and the instructors were ever so impressed by our musical knowledge.

There will be an open day from 10-12pm at Trinity Church on June 16th, where there will be games and opportunities to try out the different instruments.

SPORT RELIEF: Staff vs Pupils Charity Football Match

Last Friday, we held our Staff vs Pupils football matches, all in aid of Sport Relief. We had a fantastic turnout of players (both pupils and staff) and amazing support from pupil and parents.

We managed to raise just over £420!! Thank you so much for everyone’s support, it was a very enjoyable evening for staff and pupils alike (as well as lots of sore teachers over the weekend!)


A visitor in Year!

To end our science week, Mr Challiner came to talk to us all about mining. It was fascinating to learn about how diamonds were mined and how mines work.

We were also given the opportunity to ask questions about a miners work and about how rocks were formed.

Mr Challiner then set us a challenge to draw one of machines that was used in the mines of the Queens crown which houses the famous Cullinan Diamond.

Runners up were Zack Coates and Olivia Holt.


The winners were Joe Dale and Lucas Archer.

Thank you very much Mr Challiner for taking the time to come and talk to us.

Another great STEM Club

This week, the children in STEM Club became engineers! They had a challenge to see how tall they could make a structure using only dried spaghetti and marshmallows. We had great fun working out how to make our structures stronger and decided that Mia’s structure was the best!


Super Science Week

Wow, what a way to start Science Week! Mrs Abraham introduced STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) through some exciting investigations. We found out all about the fabulous activities and challenges that will be taking place over the week. We will be having a Celebration Assembly on Friday at 2.30pm where members of each class will explain what they have taken part in and learnt over the week. Please come and join us in assembly on Friday, to find out what we have all done!

Volcanic Eruptions in Year 3

This afternoon we took our volcanoes outside and simulated an eruption.

First of all we tried 2 tbs or bicarbonate of soda, 1 tbs of washing up liquid and 30ml of vinegar. This wasn’t very successful and Miss Booth’s Volcano didn’t erupt. We then thought about how we could cause a bigger reaction and came up with out own quantities.








Here are some of the results.


We then had a go using coke and mentos. The reaction wasn’t quite as fierce as we had expected. I wonder what we could have differently?