Woodland Wednesday

In Nursery we had a trip to the woodland area. We made sure that we put on our waterproofs and wellies so that we could really explore!


We found a variety of sticks that were all different sizes and collected them all to make a den for next week. We also looked at what colours we could see and discussed that soon it will be Spring.



We then came back to class and made our very own tree using the colours brown and green.

Back To Nursery!

The children in Nursery have been busy returning back to class after the Christmas break.

We started our week with the new children settling in and talking about our exciting Christmas break.

The children have been focusing on our new topic ‘Going Places’ by looking at different types of vehicles. This week our focus is cars so we have been painting pictures and playing in our very own car wash!

Shape Hunt

In Nursery the children have been learning all about the different 2D shapes.  The children went on a shape hunt around the school environment to see which shapes they could find.  The children found lots and lots!


All Around the World…France

As part of our focus on France this week, we have made our own version of the Eiffel Tower. Whilst we have been working away and playing we have been listening to traditional French music. This morning, some of the children made up their own dances to the music – they had so much fun using their physical development and expressive arts and design skills!

For snack today, we have eaten baguettes with Camembert and Brie… some of us love trying all of these new things.


Making clothes

We looked at different clothing worn at Bangladeshi weddings and we all loved the sparkles and vibrant colours! So we decided to make our own representations. We made great use of our Physical Development, Expressive Arts and Design and Understanding the World skills. Look out for the catwalk modelling photographs!

Learning about new fruits…

As part of our focus on Bangladesh last week, we were very fortunate to have one of our children’s parents come in to let us see, touch and taste different fruits that we hadn’t heard of before! We had so much fun learning about and trying new things… it was a lovely morning!

We would like to thank Saiful’s mum very much for coming in and speaking to us all and for letting us try new things.


Making curry

Last week our focus country was Bangladesh. Throughout the week, the children had the opportunity to make their own curry. They each contributed to chopping the vegetables and adding them to a saucepan. Some of the children then went to the kitchen with an adult to cook the curry….some even helped with the washing up!


Water challenge…

To encourage everyone to drink more water in this hot weather, we’ve set up our own water challenge! Each time we finish our bottle, we get a sticker and the winner at the end of the day gets 5 dojos for being the champion. Yesterday’s winner was… Lincoln!

Enjoying our new ‘Italian Restaurant’ role play area


We have been taking on the roles of chefs, customers and waiters/waitresses in our Italian Restaurant. We also made our own pizza oven and have been cooking our own pizzas! In our malleable area, we had playdough with different herbs in to make pizza bases out of and decorated them to look like real pizzas. Miss Carter asked if we wanted to have a new area to play in this week, but we all told her we didn’t want it to change yet because we are having so much fun developing our role play in there!

A musical afternoon…

This afternoon, some of Nursery created their own band! They could only find one microphone so they improvised and used other props instead…. One of the children even made their own representation of a guitar. They treated the rest of us to an amazing rendition of our top secret graduation song, followed by a special performance of ‘Let it go’ by some of the girls.