Boreatton Park Day 2

Today we started the day playing “Snap Shot” – a photograph version of a treasure hunt. Then we learnt a new game called aero ball – a mix between netball and trampolining.

After lunch, we went climbing. So many of the children reached the top! We then participated in an orienteering challenge. One of the teams had a little trouble with which way was north.

This evening we played real-life Cluedo! The children had to find clues from the PGL leaders in order to solve the mystery.

Boreatton Park Day 1

We’ve had a fabulous first day! We started with raft building in two teams. Team 1 built a raft based on a hot tub which didn’t quite stay together. Team 2’s was based on a catamaran design and was better constructed. Several of the children then played games in the lake.

In the afternoon, we played Splash which involved playing games to win resources. The aim was to build a contraption that held a water balloon so it didn’t pop when thrown from a height. If it didn’t pop, they could throw it at Oscar our PGL leader.

Year 6 World Book Day 03/03/2022

On Thursday, Year 6 celebrated World Book Day. We commemorated the occasion by dressing up as characters from our favourite books.

The whole class took part in creating a fantastic World Book Day ‘door’ display, based on the book that we are looking at in our ‘Pathways to Read’ lessons – ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell.

As this story is based in the Amazon rainforest, Year 6 have been looking at the ‘jungle art’ of Henri Rousseau. The children have studied and imitated his style and methods with their own jungle art.

Internet Safety Day in Year 6

Today is Internet Safety Day. In Year 6 we have been talking about our digital footprint. What we search, like, buy, share etc online creates our digital footprint. We watched the a video to show how we can create a positive one.

We also looked at the suggested ages for the apps we use that create digital footprints. We were shocked at WhatsApp!

Year 6 Hockey Workshop at Eaton Bank

On Thursday, Year 6 visited Eaton Bank for a hockey workshop. We learnt a lot of skills while we were there, such as control, passing, stopping and saving. We played some games to practise these skills, such as Pacman Hockey and finished by playing some matches. It was an extremely enjoyable experience and we hope to do something like this again. The teacher at Eaton Bank gave us all a certificate for great effort and representing the school well. I. Kane, M. Callaghan, L. Onions and J. Connor also received a medal each for exceptional effort.

Written by I. Kane and M. Callaghan.

Year 6 Christmas at Marlfields

Year 6 have celebrated Christmas today in school. We have performed our Christingle service, had a lovely turkey dinner, played a number of Christmas party games and made the longest paper chains using only one piece of paper. Our day finished with lovely gift bags courtesy of Mrs Isherwood and the school governors. Thank You from all the Year 6.

First round of the fish racing.
Grand final of the fish racing competition.

Year 6 – Bar Modelling

Year 6 have been understanding the importance of bar models in helping to visualize questions in our maths lessons. Representing the questions in the form of a bar model helps to see what data is missing and find what the question is asking us to complete. Each day the children have answered questions for Barvember representing the questions in bar models then using this to help them work out the answers.

Year 6 Chester Zoo

On Wednesday 29th October Year 6 were given the amazing opportunity to visit Chester Zoo. The children were very excited to see all of the animals and in particular kept an eye out for those which are native to North and South America, as this will become part of our topic work.

Year 6 Science

Continuing from the Science day on Wednesday, the children looked at the construction of a heart, using bottles, focusing on how it works and how the muscle can pump blood around the body. The children then built a heart in their science books looking at the valves, arteries and veins.

Year 6 Science Day

Today Year 6 were exploring the circulatory system. Understanding the function of the heart, arteries, veins and what makes up the blood in our bodies were the focus of the day.
The children drew an outline of the body on the floor which were then labelled with the correct organs, arteries and veins.

The children also had the opportunity to create their own “blood” using cereals, rice, beans and water. Each of these parts representing the different components which make up the blood in our bodies.